EPR in
Semiconductors Spin-Hamiltonian parameter database for EPR centers in semiconductors |
Help top | Policy | How to prepare *.inp file | Command lines | Author's comment lines | S and I | SH parameter matrices | Rotation matrices | Angular parameters | Transition tables | Parameter output(*.out file) | Graph output(*.plt file) | S=1/2 | S=1/2, I=1/2 | S=1 |
The first line specifies electron spin number which should be the multiple of 0.5 (1/2). The second line specifies nuclear spin(s) including in your Spin-Hamiltonian. Nuclear spins should be specified by the following names. If you want to include two or more nuclear spins, please separate nuclear names by space(s). n1, H1, H2, H3, He3, Li6, Li7, Be9, B10, B11, C13, N14, N15, O17, F19, Ne21, Na22, Na23, Mg25, Al27, Si29, P31, S33, Cl35, Cl36, Cl37, Ar39, K39, K40, K41, Ca41, Ca43, Sc45, Ti47, Ti49, V50, V51, Cr53, Mn53, Mn55, Fe57, Co59, Co60, Ni61, Cu63, Cu65, Zn67, Ga69, Ga71, Ge73, As75, Se77, Se79, Br79, Br81, Kr83, Kr85, Rb85, Rb87, Sr87, Y89, Zr91, Nb93, Mo95, Mo97, Tc99, Ru99, Ru101, Rh102, Rh103, Pd105, Ag107, Ag109, Cd111, Cd113, In113, In115, Sn115, Sn117, Sn119, Sb121, Sb123, Sb125, Te123, Te125, I127, I129, Xe129, Xe131, Cs133, Cs134, Cs135, Cs137, Ba133, Ba135, Ba137, La137, La138, La139, Pr141, Nd143, Nd145, Pm147, Sm147, Sm149, Sm151, Eu151, Eu152, Eu153, Eu154, Eu155, Gd155, Gd157, Tb157, Tb158, Tb159, Dy161, Dy163, Ho165, Er167, Tm169, Tm171, Yb171, Yb173, Lu173, Lu174, Lu175, Lu176, Hf177, Hf179, Ta181, W183, Re185, Re187, Os187, Os189, Ir191, Ir193, Pt195, Au197, Hg199, Hg201, Tl203, Tl204, Tl205, Pb207, Bi207, Bi209, Po209, Ac227, Th229, Pa231, U233, U235, Np237, Pu239, Pu241, Am241, Am243, Cm243, Cm245, Cm247 |